Bringing a Plate…

Platter of Mini Cakes yum!

It’s a New Zealand tradition to create a plateful of something delicious to share with family and
friends when going to an event where food will be shared. Whether going to a shared lunch, birthday celebration or having your own dinner party wanting to impress is very important no matter what the occasion.

BUT what is the problem with this tradition is that you haven’t got the time!
First of all you have to decide on what you are going to make and find a good recipe.
What if you haven’t got all the right equipment or ingredients? So the you have to go out shopping and this takes a lot of time, especially if you can’t source it all from the one place.
Once the ingredients are sorted it is finding the time to make it. Of course this involves letting it set, making it look pretty, cutting it up and plating it. All time consuming again.

Wouldn’t you rather use your time in other ways and save all that hassle and just give me a buzz and order a nice platter of mini cakes? It is what I enjoy doing and I love saving you the time and energy. The best bit is what you will be eating will be good for you and the others and you can take the credit for being such a clever person.