Holiday at home

At home for four weeks

This time of home isolating is a forced break from the normal. It feels like time has slowed down and the days are stretching out longer and longer. Boredom is a regular feeling and the amount of times I’m checking out the fridge is a sure sign of this. New routines need to be created and it is so important to me that I keep doing certain things that keep my mental health in check. I am still working out each morning, still spending time in the sunshine and focusing on my breathing, still eating plenty of vegetables and going to bed the same time each night. These routines are helping keep some normality

Life will be different after this. We can’t predict how but we will feel different and act different. Not everything that was important will still be. This is a good time to consider what is most important to you and how you want to behave going forward.

Having to stay home is a blessing in many ways. The biggest one being that there is plenty of time for leisure activities. For me, I have found myself in the kitchen creating. And I don’t mean just one thing. I am doing my usual craziness where I have four or five creations on the go. It is what fills me up and times flies. Mostly the creations are good and then gives us something yum to eat. All this proves to me I am doing the right kind of work to suit me. It shows I am doing what I am passionate about. By doing what I love and sharing it with others, I have been able to create a business that I feel great about and others get to enjoy the creations. It feels like a win-win.

What I think is important for everyone to do during this time, is to become aware of what you love doing. Be conscious of what you’re looking up on the internet, what are you reading and what are you thinking about? Is there something you are doing a lot now you have the time? Is there something you are hanging out to do as soon as you can and it is this thought that keeps you going? All this information tells you what you are passionate about and what you enjoy. Now you just need to make sure that what is important to you becomes a priority and is a big part of your life going forward.

Let me know in the comments below what is the thing on your mind the most, I’d love to know what your passionate about.